Do you ever feel slammed with work and obligations? When you are overbooked it feels as if you’re moving at warp speed with no breaks in your day. You strive to find balance but focus and prioritizing have slipped down your to-do list.
And yet, the very thing you need to do in this situation is to focus enough to prioritize all the obligations you’ve created for yourself. You may feel as if there is no win-win in that moment, but there are ways you can still come out on top.
Anxiety and overwhelm are inevitable when you are overbooked. The pressure of facing all the tasks and time commitments you have increases your irritation level and decreases your frustration tolerance. You might notice you’re snapping at loved ones and coworkers.
Panicked thoughts of “I’ll never get these things done!” interfere with calming down and create more unproductive time, even leading to serious procrastination.
Rather than yield to the overwhelm, do what you can to overcome it.
Overbooking yourself isn’t just tough on you, it can cause difficulties for others as well. Being anxious and overwhelmed can also mean you fail to give appropriate attention to each of your responsibilities. And when people need you to show up, they may be let down by receiving less than your best efforts.
From an etiquette perspective, being recognizably respectful is always your aim.
Though we want to be helpful, do things for others, and work towards recognition for our efforts, there are times when saying no is the best course of action. If you find yourself consistently saying yes to extra tasks, invitations, and favors asked of you, ease yourself into a more relaxed schedule by saying no to one out of every three things that demand your time.
When you have some time for yourself, give thought to how you want things to be going forward.
The kindest thing you can do for yourself and the people you love is take care of you. When you are nurtured and cared for, you have more of yourself to give to others.
Knowing what it takes to balance busyness with down time will help you achieve a lifestyle that works for you. Planning your obligations with intention, and a willingness to say no, will help keep stress levels down.
Of course, there are times when duty takes precedence over what is convenient, and your schedule may shift out of balance. But if you live within a schedule that is more balanced than not, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and take comfort knowing it is only temporary.