My Story

It All Began in the Classroom

Candace Smith

In the secondary education business for 25 years, I immersed myself in understanding student culture with class and club sponsorships, speech and debate coaching, student leadership emphasis, as well as classroom learning projects that brought about the demonstrable and measurable best in my students.

Learning right along with my students, while experimenting with learning systems and learning styles, was important to me.  

The aim?  To inspire my students' confidence in their own abilities regardless of the subject or the setting. 

Today as an etiquette educator and coach, the goal is the same:  to inspire students' and clients' confidence in their own abilities to be their very best in any setting.

A Life-Changing Event

You teach best what you most need to learn.
Richard Bach

When my husband was awarded international recognition in 2002, I was plunged into a new “normal” of travel and formal social gatherings, and in the years that followed, I gradually became aware of how uncomfortable I was in many social situations. 

Actually, I had never given much thought to the idea that there might be specific guidelines and skills that would help me reach beyond the general assumption that of course people should aim to have good manners.
Awakening to a long-felt desire to know appropriate social graces that would put me at ease and confident in social situations, I decided to attend etiquette and protocol certification classes, and these kicked off a deep immersion into the study of the importance of etiquette and its practical application to many of the problems of life.  

The Tipping Point Year and Back to School

In 2012, after a first round of etiquette and protocol course work, my husband and I attended a formal event in Scotland.  It was like night and day.  I noted a markedly increased comfort level in dining and socializing skills and truly enjoyed the occasion.  

This was confirmation – these skills matter!  I knew then and there that I wanted to help others gain the confidence and composure to be comfortable in social and professional settings.  

I am passionate about teaching skills that have immediate personal and professional benefit, and am dedicated to providing respectful, interactive learning sessions which can be customized for group and individual needs.  Composure and confidence are not trivial matters!  

Published weekly, The Etiquette Blog now features over 525 etiquette articles with straightforward considerations and solutions aimed to address social and workplace challenges of daily and professional life.

Etiquette Education to Help Others

In business since 2012, Etiquette for the Business of Life engages individuals and groups in hands-on learning to gain practical skills in etiquette and protocol and communication for all aspects of  “the business of life.”

The happy discovery is becoming aware of how etiquette rules and guidelines help us navigate our "everyday's" and our special days!

A Little More About Me

Education:  Bachelor of Arts in English, Speech Communication, and History; Master of Arts in Economics Education.

Teaching Awards:  the Milken National Educator’s Award, the National Award for Excellence in Economics Education by the Foundation for Teaching Economics, Colorado Enterprising Teacher of the Year Award, and Colorado Teacher Award.

Personal:  Married to the love of my life, mom of four wonderful children, grandmother of four talented grandchildren, and celebrator of the joys of a blended family as well.

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